So, that’s a wrap on the blind auditions then. Each judge (whoops, no that’s the other show) coach has 10 acts on their team but only 5 will go through to the Live Shows.
Next week, The Battles commence where the coaches will have to pit two of their own acts against each other in a duet before deciding which one to send home (whoops, no that’s the other show) put through to the Live Shows.
Danny was first to complete his team of 10 when he secured Emmy J Mac and John James Newman. Looking back at his team now, they all look a bit samey. The only one I really remember is Max Milner who performed the Lose Yourself mash-up in week 1 and Bo Bruce who stood out because I remember thinking how odd it sounded to hear someone with quite a plummy accent say ‘wicked’.
I really enjoyed Becky Hill’s version of Ordinary People but she really annoys me. I think she needs to tone down the teenage stroppy act before the next round.
I was sure she would team up with will.i.am, who is my new favourite coach by the way (sorry, Tom), but I bet Will was relieved that she did go with Jessie J when he was the only coach left with a spot on his team when the awesome Jaz Ellington came out.
I was not aware that Will actually wrote Ordinary People and I loved it when he told us the story of why he wrote it and who for. I am a sucker for those tiny little bits of personal information.
To then watch him tear up when Jaz performed his own version was so moving. I wish I’d known more about will.i.am when the show first started – I think his instincts are incredible and he trusted his gut and was right to. Gotta love that.
It was unclear if Jaz was actually the last person to perform in the Blind Auditions, or if a waiting room full of singers were sent home when he clinched the last remaining place.
I’m not sure why so many people took to google to ask: is will.i.am gay? But, I know that you did because this blog turned up in your search results?! I could not fathom out why this would be, but saw that a commenter had asked the same question on a previous post. So, if the reason you are visiting this blog is to find out if will.i.am is gay or not – I have no idea. But, feel free to stick around for stories on toddlers, potty training, working mother guilt and wine.
I’m still really enjoying the show. I hope it continues to hold my interest all the way to the Live Shows as this is probably the only one of ‘my’ shows that the Greek God(zilla) will actually sit down and watch with me.
What are your views on The Voice? Are you looking forward to the next stage or was it the Blind Auditions format that kept you tuning in?
You might also like: The Voice – Double Denim? and The Voice – week one
You can also find me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter @Smudgerella
Hello! A fellow The Voice addict eh! Oh how life changes once the bubs come along. Goodbye Saturday night is party night and hello Saturday night is talent show night.
I agree on the Will.i.am score as well, I’ve never been big into the BEP and seeing him on this programme is a revelation – though I have to admit I did think the whole crying thing was a bit dramatic, but then this is a prime time TV show!
It got me to googling him (oo er) and his charitable work is so spot on, giving teens from poor backgrounds the chance to get themselves through college debt-free, so they can focus on “being the best student they can be” is genius.
See you for some singin’ and dancin’ at Bugsy in support of Blog It For Babies!!
Hello! Lovely to meet you yesterday and yes looking forward to Bugsy night 🙂
I love The Voice. I love the coaches, the format and the fact that it is on at 7pm because most Saturday nights I am drooling on the sofa by 9pm. Crying was a bit dramatic but I saw that as the song bringing back some memories about someone and Jaz sang it the way he ‘felt’ when he wrote it. As I said, I am a sucker for all that stuff.
The more I learn about Will, the more I like him too. Def. going to be buying his back catalogue at some point 🙂
Never seen it darling and never seen you blog before – I love that though – can’t see where to subscribe? XXX
Hello Anya, so lovely to see you here! You can subscribe on the home page, top left xx
Ha, great post! Count me in as another who has moved from party some Saturday nights to talent show Saturday nights! I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for Will, but I think lovely cuddly Tom is still just edging it as my fave judge just now. Think it’s the accent!
He definitely still has it, I agree! I think he’s done well with his team and has so much experience in the industry. I love how much he name drops too, very funny 🙂
Hooked. Will.i.am oozes cool from every pore. Nice to see a crack in the armour. Clearly a massive talent. I have no idea how any of the other coaches actually win any of the contestants once he’s turned around!!
I agree! Although a lot of the younger ones all seem to want to team up with Jessie J. At first, it was all about Tom for me but I have definitely switched to team Will now 🙂
For some reason the moment Jaz came on (and every time I replay it) I get all teary right the way through to the end of Ordinary People. I am 59 and male and I don’t do this! But there’s something about the soul inside will.i.am and the soul inside Jaz and somehow they just get to me.
Same Malcolm! I can’t watch it without tearing up. I really backing Jaz at the moment, I can’t remember the last time someone moved me in that way with their voice.
Thanks for visiting and commenting 🙂
I agree with everything above,Jaz sent tingles through my skin,I sent him a congratulatory message via Facebook,he replied to it ! He also put paid to my Cohersed query,a genuine piece of tv upon his child’s life .Go Jaz !
what did you think of the Battles format? I still thought Jaz was brilliant 🙂