Doing our bit for Sport Relief
For the last few years, I have joined Team Honk – a group of bloggers who fundraise for Comic and Sport Relief – to raise money for people living in extreme poverty here in the…
For the last few years, I have joined Team Honk – a group of bloggers who fundraise for Comic and Sport Relief – to raise money for people living in extreme poverty here in the…
Children can be very vulnerable, and as parents who are capable of providing for their kids with amazing privileges, it’s up to us back to the less fortunate, opportunities for a better life. If you…
When Team Honk first announced they were planning to get 500 bloggers together to dance for 6-hours non-stop at The Comic Relief Danceathon at Wembley, I hesitated for a while before officially signing up. Not because…
I did not sleep much the night before Honkopoly. Images of top hats, onesies, numerous google docs, and my 40-year old bladder kept me awake for most of it. The house was still. Quiet. I…
Honk whaaaaaaaaat? No, I haven’t gone completely mad. Well, maybe just a little bit. But it’s all for a BRILLIANT cause, so do read on and I will explain everything. Honkopoly is the name we…
Can you believe that the first ever Red Nose Day took place on Feb 5th 1988?! This year marks the 25th anniversary of this inaugural event and to mark the occasion, Comic Relief would like…
Do you remember the brilliant British Heart Foundation TV commercial where Vinnie Jones performs hands-only CPR to the beat of Stayin’ Alive? Well, thanks to Vinnie, 28 lives have been saved because someone saw that…
I loved being pregnant. It was one of the most wonderful, special times of my life. I was one of those ridiculously happy (& no doubt annoying) pregnant people – over indulging on cake, because…
Last Saturday, Save the Children met with bloggers, vloggers and social media enthusiasts to share ideas on how social media could be used to help save children’s lives in Bangladesh by helping to raise funds…