About Me

Welcome to Grenglish! I share recipes and stories here about Greek/English family life with my husband, aka the Greek God(zilla), and our 10 year old son.

I run my own PA business from home, so this blog is woefully neglected but I enjoy popping on here every now and then for a natter.



  1. April 11, 2013 / 11:54 AM

    Just found your blog after reading your post Just the One on Tots100. Wow. As another mum of one, with Hashimoto’s (10 years) I know exactly where you’re coming from – minus the Greek god of course :). Looking forward to reading more and having a good old nosy around your fabulous blog – just got to get back to work first *oops!*

    • Mayfair Mum
      April 11, 2013 / 9:11 PM

      Ps. If the early riser post picks are your own, then we even have the same cushions. Think you might have to be my new best bloggy friend! 🙂

    • Grenglish
      April 11, 2013 / 9:41 PM

      Haha, very nice to meet you! I’ve only just found about the Hashimoto’s – would love to chat more about it!