The day Sarah Brown mentioned me on Twitter

The day Sarah Brown mentioned me on Twitter

My husband is a financial journalist.  He writes about business, he writes about the economy and sometimes, when it is a slow news day, he gets to help out on the sports desk and cover sporting events too.  Mainly football matches.  On Saturday afternoons.  When his team are playing.  Funny that…

I think it is a pretty cool job, although it does take him away from home from time to time.

This week, he was assigned to be at The World Economic Forum in Davos, while I took on the solo parenting gig at home.

While my husband was busy interviewing Seb Coe about ticketing arrangements for the Olympics, chatting to Imran Khan about playing for the Dulwich 7th XI team (yes, he really said it. Out loud.) and running into Sarah Brown in restaurants; I was busy coaxing a two & a half year old down from an almighty strop because I dared ask him to brush his teeth/brush his hair/get in the bath/get out of the bath/get dressed/put shoes on/give me a cuddle.

We had a complete meltdown one morning because I wouldn’t let him watch Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom until after he got dressed.  I was chasing his little naked bottom all over the house for a good 20 minutes.  He is quite speedy when all fired up.

I will not go into what happened on the day we ran out of cheerios and he had to choose between only cornflakes, rice krispies, porridge, weetabix, raisin toast, crumpets or a bagel instead.

It is a wonder that I was not late for work myself, but as this was also the week that Zachy decided to trial a 5am wake-up call, we have had plenty of wiggle room in the schedule for the odd tantrum, or twelve.

Anyway, it has not been too bad at all really and I have quite enjoyed my time with Zachy, when he has been behaving nicely.

The evenings have been lovely and quiet.  It has been quite novel to have the remote control all to myself and be able to watch Eastenders, Masterchef and America’s Next Top Model on realtime TV.  I’ve also taken full advantage of being able to stretch out across the entire bed and have my pick of pillows.  I managed to find a bit of time to catch up on what I’d missed over on twitter and even retweeted a few of my husband’s tweets from Davos, so I like to think I was also doing my bit for the global agenda.

So, just an average week for me really.  Lots of early nights, early starts and possibly a blog post about toddler tantrums out of it.

Then yesterday, I woke up with Zachy as usual.  We came downstairs, made a cup of tea and I switched on the laptop.

My inbox was full of Twitter notifications of new followers.  Eh?!

I logged on to Twitter and could not work it out and then I looked in my ‘mentions’ and saw this:


After I had picked myself up off the floor, I called the Greek God(zilla) to tell him, but he was not feeling too chatty with his hangover.

I danced all the way to the office and held court in the kitchen relaying my celebrity twitter mention.  Just as the attention was beginning to dip, I received a SECOND MENTION on twitter.

So, what do you do when Sarah Brown tweets to 1, 176, 229 followers about your little family blog?

Well, I couldn’t watch.  As soon as my inbox started pinging with mentions and notifications again, I went out for a little walk around the block.

But, WOW.


You can follow Sarah Brown on Twitter @SarahBrownUK and read more about Gordon & Sarah’s Education for All campaign by clicking here:




  1. January 28, 2012 / 3:00 PM

    Hay – tweeting with Sarah Brown and me in the one day!

    Seriously that’s very cool, almost making up for being stuck at home.

    • Grenglish
      January 29, 2012 / 7:08 AM

      I know, whatever next!

  2. January 28, 2012 / 3:12 PM

    What a great day for you, and had a giggle reading your blog, so than you to you and Sarah Brown.

    • Grenglish
      January 29, 2012 / 7:09 AM

      Ah, thank you. That is very nice of you to say.

  3. January 28, 2012 / 3:51 PM

    A similiar thing happened to me when I wrote a post about the Military Wives Choir on my blog. I posted it on their FB page and they reposted and asked people to read it! I wrote about how poignant the words were to me, I am a widow and my husband died just over a year ago from a heart attack.
    I got 1000 views in the space of an hour while I went downstairs and fed the boys some tea. There have been over 2600 views of that pasge alone now – WOW!
    I saw Sarah’s tweet and now I’ve read your blog too – looking forward to reading more.

    • Grenglish
      January 29, 2012 / 7:13 AM

      Thank you and isn’t it amazing how crazy it can get! I forget sometimes that anyone else is reading this blog, let alone people I am not related not but never in a million years did I think Sarah Brown would mention it on twitter!
      I am looking your blog up now 🙂

  4. January 28, 2012 / 4:13 PM

    And I know you!!!! Fame by proxy! Huzzah!!! X

    • Grenglish
      January 29, 2012 / 7:16 AM

      Haha! Just 5 mins of it, all calmed down again now 🙂

  5. January 28, 2012 / 5:33 PM

    Good for you Grenglish! Your blog is a really good read and you deserve all this new publicity! Well done!

    • Grenglish
      January 29, 2012 / 7:16 AM

      Thank you, that is very nice of you to say.

  6. January 28, 2012 / 6:09 PM

    Amazeballs, how exciting! Hope she starts subscribing to your excellent blog now 🙂 xx

    • Grenglish
      January 29, 2012 / 7:17 AM

      I know, right! Total Amazeballs xx

  7. January 29, 2012 / 6:08 AM

    Woohoo a star is born. Well done lady x

    • Grenglish
      January 29, 2012 / 7:17 AM

      haha, thanks!

  8. February 1, 2012 / 8:32 PM

    Wow, that is very cool. She is such a cool tweeter. She really seems to get it, unlike so many celebs.

    Your tales of your 2.5yo made me laugh out loud. Why can’t they just ‘get’ that the amount of time they spend arguing about getting dressed, they could be dressed and watching TV again. Grrrr

    • Grenglish
      February 3, 2012 / 2:28 PM

      I know! Every day is a constant battle at the moment! Have started a sticker reward chart, which so far seems to be going ok… we are managing to get through the dressing/teeth brushing stage quite peacefully with the promise of a sticker on his Ben Elf chart 🙂

  9. February 6, 2012 / 12:43 PM

    Thanks so much for linking up to the Love Politics Blogs Showcase. My husband has left for Taiwan this morning for a week and I’m dreading trying to get both boys and me out the door before 8am tomorrow morning so I can completely empathise. Looking forward to uninterupted Borgen on the TV though!

    I had a similar experience when my post about the strikes was retweeted which was lovely but not half as exciting as Sarah Brown. It must have been very exciting!

  10. Pingback: 06-02-12 Love Politics weekly showcase | Love All Blogs

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