2019… a year in review!
It took a fair few password reminders and a bit of a (HUGE) tidy up before I could even get to this page, but I am here now and looking forward to writing again. My last…
It took a fair few password reminders and a bit of a (HUGE) tidy up before I could even get to this page, but I am here now and looking forward to writing again. My last…
I wanted an early night with my book last night so I watched the Brit Awards on catch-up this morning – I am so rock & roll – and every time someone picked up an…
There are many things in life that bring me joy – long walks, sunny days, mugs of hot tea, a vase of flowers on the kitchen table, writing, clean sheets, Sunday roasts, clear skin, friends,…
When I was a teenager, or perhaps even in my early twenties, I was invited to a friend’s house party on a Saturday night, as was quite the norm back then. This was before ‘house’…
As previous years have come to a close I have usually had an idea of what I want my theme to be for the year to come. Not a resolution as such, but a theme that will guide…
When I was in my early twenties I read a book called The Celestine Prophecy, which made me look at life in a very different way. The book shows us how to make connections between…
I have never been brilliant at saying no. ‘Can you work late tonight?’ No problem, I say, while secretly rearranging my plans for dinner. ‘Do you mind helping me with something?’ Of course, I respond, before…
I looked at myself in the mirror yesterday, not just to guide a face wipe over day-old mascara or while absent-mindedly brushing my hair, but I really looked at myself. I examined my face from grey-roots to neck.…
For the past few weeks, I have been hiding a big autoimmune flare-up. I say hiding, because I when I have these flare-ups I tend to be much quieter – online and off. Every twinge,…
Guilt. It’s a funny thing. It gets under your skin and makes you do all kinds of crazy shit. As a parent, guilt keeps many of us awake at night with its persistent nagging over how…
Towards the end of every year, I like to set myself a theme for the year to come. It’s a good opportunity to look back, feel proud of the things I achieved and accept the things…
There are two things I really should not be seen doing in public: Dancing Wearing leggings in any way other than as an undergarment. I have the legs for neither. However, last summer, I did both.…