We were returning from our regular early morning bra-less dash to Starbucks when it started.
Just innocently standing on the sidewalk, coffee cup in one hand, toasted bagel in the other, patiently waiting for the green hand to appear before crossing the road.
Then the heavens opened and within a millisecond we were standing under a torrential downpour. Running across a rain-soaked road in flip-flops, without a bra, made for a most interesting sight.
I will leave you to ponder that image for a moment. No don’t. Really. Don’t.
Back in our room, we changed into the complimentary white hotel robes and watched the rain fall from the window. It was showing no signs of easing off and we still had a few last-minute items to buy so we knew we were going to have to brave it outside.
‘We’ll just get a cab, run into the Apple store and it’ll probably have stopped by then’ we decided optimistically.
While I busied myself with the task of purchasing an iPad on the Greek Godzilla’s credit card (and they let me!), Vic went back to the GAP store, which is where we agreed to meet after.
It was still absolutely pouring when I carried the Greek God(zilla)’s my shiny new iPad out of the store. Around me, real New Yorker’s wore waterproof ponchos, Hunter wellies and carried umbrellas. I stuck out like a typical tourist in my summer denim jacket with leggings, ballet flats and mascara streaming all down my face.
We were soaked through by the time we had walked back to our hotel. Seriously, you try getting a cab in NYC when it is pelting down.
We had to wring our jackets out when we got back and tried blasting the hairdryer directly into our shoes to stop them from squelching when we walked but there was no way we were going to get them dry for hours and we were supposed to be eating organic burgers in Brooklyn in about an hour.
After a hot shower to warm our bones, we took the decision to go straight to the airport from the hotel. We changed into a dry set of clothes and bagged up our wet ones. I had to leave the ballet flats there in the room, there was just no saving them.
And, that is how we found ourselves in fast food chain, Shake Shack, where we had possibly the tastiest (definitely most calorific) meal of the trip – cheeseburgers with cheese fries and a vanilla milkshake. It was DIVINE. The cheese fries did not look like they should taste so good but they were Ah.Maze.Ing.
Our flight home was a bit delayed because of the weather, but when we finally took off, it was a smooth flight home and the landing so slick that I had to actually look out of the window to check we were on the ground because it felt like we were still gliding through the air.
Back home, the Greek God(zilla) said it was a doddle looking after Zachy without me.
Well in that case, he can do it again then! I feel an annual trip coming on… now, where shall we go next time…?
You can also find me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter @smudgerella
I am thrilled to bits to be a finalist in the National MAD Blog Awards in the category for Best Family Fun Blog. You can vote for me or any of the other finalists here
Featured image: usatoday.com
Fabulous. Great stuff. Looking forard to next year already!
Me too 🙂
Wow NY is still cool in the rain and what a fabulous break-lovely to return home and realise everything was in control too-roll on your next holiday!