

It was when I returned home from the airport later that evening that my leg started to hurt. Well, my knee to be exact. It started to feel a bit stiff and sore, but as…

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Back from Brooklyn

Back from Brooklyn

I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog front over the last week so we have lots to catch up on. When I left you last, I was winging my way to New York so…

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Long Locks Gone

Long Locks Gone

When I called the Greek God(zilla) from JFK airport before boarding my return flight home, he proudly reeled off a list of all the things he had accomplished while I had been away. These included: –…

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The NYC Diaries – Coming Home

The NYC Diaries – Coming Home

We were returning from our regular early morning bra-less dash to Starbucks when it started. Just innocently standing on the sidewalk, coffee cup in one hand, toasted bagel in the other, patiently waiting for the…

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The NYC Diaries – Getting There

The NYC Diaries – Getting There

The Greek God(zilla) had offered to drive us to the airport. Considering our history of car journeys, this was an extremely bold move but I figured that as long as we allowed plenty of time then…

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New York, New York

New York, New York

The morning after the Sunday lunch where the Greek God(zilla) bumped the kerb trying to park the car and punctured a tyre – the lunch where I had been toying with the idea of a child-free/husband-free…

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