Girl, Uninterrupted

Girl, Uninterrupted

Zachy takes his bath in the evenings, around 6pm.

He has it warm with bubbles, toys and bath crayons.  He spends about 30 minutes or so splashing around, plays with boats and ducks and balls and scribbles draws pretty pictures all over the tiles.

When he has finished, the Greek God(zilla) or I, will take a towel from the heated rack and wrap him up in it.  Then he is tickled, moisturised and dressed in warm pyjamas before being allowed to watch one of his favourite television shows, uninterrupted.

The Greek God(zilla) takes his bath in the mornings, around 6am.

He has it very hot, with lots of bubbles and the radio playing in the background.  He spends about 20 minutes or so relaxing until the water warms his every muscle.

When he has finished, he takes a towel from the heated rack and wraps himself up in it.  Then he lies down on the bed for 10 minutes to dry naturally before moisturising and listening to one of his favourite radio shows, uninterrupted.

I tend to take my bath after the Greek God(zilla), most often just hopping the same water, now lukewarm.  I have been doing this for so long that sometimes I even forget to check with him that he did not wee in it or ‘make his own bubbles’ – both strictly forbidden.

The soapy bubbles have already dissipated and the only background music I hear is the sound of my own voice as I am asked repeatedly to sing The Wheels on the Bus or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

I duck toys and bath crayons as they are launched into the water with me and I answer a million plus one questions about why my belly is big and Zachy’s is small, and why my water is cold and Zachy’s is warm.

At some point, the potty is positioned beside the bath, which Zachy will then proceed to wee in or sit on, as he tries to squeeze out a number two.  If it is a successful deposit, I will quickly jump out of the bath before he empties the contents onto the carpet.

The Greek God(zilla) will stroll in to style wax into his hair and ask me if his shoes match his trousers.  No.  “Yes.”

Eventually, I will pick a towel up that has not been heated on the rail and clean out the potty, before dripping all the way back to my bedroom and brokering a deal with the toddler to get dressed, uninterrupted.

The Greek God(zilla) has long since left for work. Or is hiding downstairs drinking coffee.


When are you most likely to be uninterrupted?

You can also find me on Facebook or follow me on twitter @smudgerella

I am thrilled to bits to be a finalist in the National MAD Blog Awards in the category for Best Family Fun Blog.  You can vote for me or any of the other finalists here


  1. May 14, 2012 / 7:18 AM

    Something has gone awry here-you demand some quality bath time and pronto. Made me laugh x

    • Grenglish
      May 14, 2012 / 9:52 AM

      I know, I do not know how I ended up here. I am claiming MY TIME back! xx

  2. May 14, 2012 / 7:35 AM

    After 9.30 p.m. And I claim it as my own, I check my Facebook, have a shower in peace or watch MY favourite T.V. show. I agree with Honest Mum above, demand your bath time back :-)!

    • Grenglish
      May 14, 2012 / 9:43 AM

      I am usually drooling into a sofa cushion by 9.30pm but agree that evening baths might be the way forward! I need to start claiming the TV back too, I think! xx

  3. May 16, 2012 / 10:04 PM

    Shocking!!! (but funny, I must admit!) – yes, you must re-claim bath time
    I tell you what, these men have it easy… I dread that the GreekGod(zilla) and Richmond Daddy might ever meet – they will have too much in common! xxx

    • Grenglish
      May 25, 2012 / 10:52 AM

      well… maybe we should arrange that one day soon RM 😉

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