One of the presents the Greek God(zilla) received on his birthday, was a curry starter kit.
He has always fancied himself as a bit of a Masterchef in the kitchen and is not afraid to experiment with different flavours and ingredients.
This method has proved to be successful on some occassions more than others.
The time he used mayonnaise in a pasta dish instead of garlic puree was an interesting take on a recipe.
He also tends to double the suggested chilli quantity and half the amount of vegetable.
At one dinner party, he forgot the vegetables entirely so popped a bag of frozen Country Mix into a pan of boiling water at the last-minute and served them with crispy pork belly and a mere 2 potatoes each.
I am now in charge of potatoes and vegetables.
Although I can’t hold a candle to the Greek God(zilla) when it comes to meat.
He is much better at handling a big joint than I am and pokes, prods and seasons with wild abandon.
Meat is definitely his thing.
So last night, when he pulled 4 chicken breasts out of the fridge and his new curry starter kit, I left him to get on with it.
Towards the end of the preparations, he called out to ask if I would prefer long grain or basmati rice to accompany the chicken curry.
‘Basmati rice’ I called out from the sofa where I was reclining with Zachy under my (newly washed) fleecy sofa blanket.
‘I want smartie rice!’ chipped in the 3-year old beside me
Not smartie, bas-marti… I clarifyed… but I was speaking to myself.
He had already got up, ran down the hallway to the kitchen and repeated ‘I want smartie rice, Daddy’
Watch out Heston!
I am linking this post up to to Wot so Funee? which is hosted every Tuesday over at Actually Mummy’s Blog where you can read lots of other funny things kids say.
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Featured image: jthornett on Flickr
Brilliant – loved this. Mayonnaise in pasta? Mmmm. Now smartie rice sounds interesting! This post has made me hanker after a ruby murry. So glad to hear your fleecy sofa blanket is back to being clean and functioning again after being wrapped around your guests naked bum!
Ooooh did he actually eat it afterwards? And did you have to nip our for a tube of the candy-coloured chocolate just to pacify his disappointment?? 😉
that is so cute! It reminds me of a friend who used to call naan bread “banana” bread. The kids sometimes say this still because we had found it so funny. xxx