I found out earlier this week that this little blog has reached the FINALS (!!!) of the BritMums Brilliance in Blogging Awards in the Fresh Voices category.
I have only been blogging for just over a year, so to have come this far and to see Grenglish holding its own up there beside blogs that I admire greatly, makes me feel so very proud.
The talent in my category is phenomenal and to stand beside every single one of my fellow finalists is an incredible honour.
Do check them out here if you get a chance.
After floating around on a cloud for most of Tuesday, I insisted to the Greek God(zilla) that we celebrate (code for midweek wine) so he cracked open one of the nice bottles of red (the ones he hides under the stairs so I don’t accidentally pull a 20-year old Barolo off the rack again to offer to our neighbours – as nice as they are).
And that, I thought, would be that.
I floated around on a hangover cloud for most of Wednesday, caught up on The Vampire Diaries (TEAM DAMON) and had an early night.
On Thursday morning, I woke up to a tweet from Actually Mummy congratulating me on the MADS*. Are you kidding me?? But, upon further investigation (well, I just clicked on MAD Blog Awards site so it was quite easy really), I saw that this little blog has also reached the finals for MAD Best Family Fun Blog!
Now, this is quite a big deal.
From the Mad Blog Awards blog:
- There were 52,000 nominations this year, making the MADs the biggest awards for parent bloggers in the UK
- More than 3,000 different Mum and Dad blogs were nominated
- MAD Bloggers are being read by 500,000 readers a week.
I cannot even begin to tell you how much it means to me to know that even with so many brilliant blogs out there, not only are people reading mine, but they are enjoying it enough to vote for me.
This is beyond anything I could have hoped for when I started writing it and I am overwhelmed beyond belief.
To celebrate, I suggested to the Greek God(zilla) that we raise a glass (code for more midweek wine) but this time he pulled a bottle of Austrian red from the rack, marking the end of my 15 minutes.
The winner of the Brilliance in Blogging award, will be decided by a panel of judges and announced at a glitzy ceremony on June 22nd. All I can do now is sit back and practice my happy loser face in the mirror while I am waiting.
However, the winner of the MAD Best Family Fun Blog is entirely in your hands. Should you wish to cast a vote my way, then just click here to go through to the voting form. You can vote in as many, or as few, categories as you want to and the blogger with the most votes, wins. Simple.
I do not expect to go any further in either competition but I am truly grateful to every single person who has visited, liked, commented and voted for this blog over the past year.
I already feel like a winner, and I’m definitely going to need a new frock!
*MAD stands for Mum & Dad, it is not an award given to loons.
You can also find me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter @Smudgerella
Fantastic news. Thoroughly deserved. Best of British (and Greek!) to you. X
thank you darling xx
Congratulations! I love reading your blog! You certainly deserve all this attention! And perhaps you should practice your happy-I-won-but-I’m-not-going to-gloat-or-act-smug-in-anyway face for June 22nd! I think you’re going to need it more than the happy loser face! Good luck!
Thank you so much! I love reading your blog too. I will practice that look too although I am in a pretty tough category, I am sure I will not need to use it!
So well deserved, lovely. You’re one of my very favourite bloggers, you make me laugh and nod my head in agreement so much, only sorry I didn’t find you earlier. Good luck for both awards (and thank God it’s down to judges and not votes for the BiBs, I couldn’t ask for anyone to vote for me against you!) xx
Right back atcha! Can’t believe I did not find you until recently either but so glad we have now xx
I wish you told me what MAD stood for before I voted. I thought I was voting for you based on your level of insanity. You win that every time. xxxx
HAHA, I know!! Thank you for voting xx
Congratulations again, I will definitely be voting in the MADS! Your blog is by far the funniest I have come across. x
you are too too kind, thank you! (So not true though, but I’ll take it!!) xx
Wow!! What an honour for you, but I’m really not at all surprised. Your blog is great and has gotten better and better.
Well done and I wish you many votes. x
Thank you so much!