That’s F as in FAIL, although still a swear word to me.
I vowed not to drink for a week and FAILED spectacularly.
This is how I did it…
- AFC Wimbledon beat Luton on Saturday and made it back into the league
Units consumed – 1/2. Variety – champagne. Reasoning – 10 mins away from Rapture
- Greek God(zilla) got a taste for the bubbles and popped out for two bottles of rosé
Units consumed – 1. Variety – wine. Reasoning – survived the end of the World
- Toddler threw plastic bus at my leg, left bruise. Also tantrumed in park/bed/cafe/kitchen
Units consumed – 1. Variety – wine. Reasoning – just been hit by a bus
- Childcare emergency resolved after much panicking (me), a severe attack of the working mother guilts (me again) and tears (mine)
Units consumed – 2. Variety – wine. Reasoning – none really but as I’d already blown it, another glass didn’t seem like too much of a big deal
Let’s face it, I was never going to make a dent in the pile of ironing though or watch the boxsets or de-clutter the toy boxes. I did, however, manage to play Shoot, ‘Date’, Marry during an episode of Eastenders (by myself as hubby was being a spoilsport)
Round One
Round Two
I’ve let you all down, dear Grenglish readers, but most of all I’ve let myself down 🙁
Sweetie – I can forgive your failure to give up booze – its tough! But your second named ‘date’ is a whole different thing – you can’t be serious!
like you wouldn’t!
Well, fail you may well have done, but let’s face it – it was an ambitious challenge you set yourself and the alternatives to boozing didn’t sound like much fun. I gave up alcohol once (apart from during pregnancy, when I of course also gave up the booze) for lent – dullest 40 days and 40 nights of my life. Never again.
To be honest, I don’t know what I was even thinking in the first place! 40 days – good grief. That doesn’t sound like any fun at all!