It is amazing what crap you will watch when feeding a young baby at 4.30 in the morning.
For me, it was Twilight.
I remember surfing the channels for something vaguely interesting or entertaining to hold my attention and make sure I remained upright for long enough for my son to finish his milk and go back down for his next little snooze.
Usually, I’d have a few shows backed up on the TV planner and would use this quiet time to have a cup of tea and catch up on Eastenders or Gossip Girl or House or America’s Next Top Model. You know, all the high brow stuff.
Some days, I would have to resort to watching regular scheduled TV and it was so depressing, that simply staring into space at a plain white wall was sometimes much more appealing.
Then, I discovered a little red button on my remote control called Sky Anytime, which showcases hours of TV every month, ready to watch whenever you want.
One morning, as I was flicking through the various programmes on offer, I came across the teenage vampire movie, Twilight.
I did not know much about the film, although I had seen photos of the cast splattered all over the pages of the weekly mags at my hairdresser’s. I just parked it all in the ‘not for me’ part of my mind and got on with my life.
Yet, here it was on my viewing list at 4.30 in the morning and for want of anything else to watch, I thought at best it might be easy background noise.
So, I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did and was surprised when I copied it over onto my planner… TO. WATCH. AGAIN.
So amazed at this new find was I, that I immediately posted something about it on my Facebook page and was inundated with likes and comments from friends in agreement. A couple of people mentioned the books are even better than the films.
There are books?!
Literally, one-click on amazon and I had ordered the whole Twilight Saga in paperback and got started on the first instalment the very next day.
I think I finished it that weekend and moved straight onto New Moon, then Eclipse and finally Breaking Dawn.
I craved reading time more than sleep and every night when Zachy would go to bed, I’d pick up wherever I left off in the Bella/Edward/Jacob saga.
I rented New Moon on Box Office and went to the cinema to see Eclipse during my last week of maternity leave, while Zachy was having his ‘settling in’ days with his new nanny. The books are better.
When I returned to work, I found other like-minded people, some were even MY OWN AGE and I learnt that there was a collective name for people like us – Twihards.
We laughed about the whole Team Edward/Team Jacob thing and how teenage girls were going crazy over Robert Pattinson. As *cough* older *cough* Twilight fans, we personally took more of a shine to Carlisle and Bella’s dad.
Around this time last year it was announced that the final instalment of the film franchise, Breaking Dawn, would be split into two parts with the first part being released in November 2011.
My fellow Twihard colleagues and I vowed to watch the film together and here we are, one year on, and that day has finally come.
We’re all off to see the film tonight, which we will no doubt dissect over a glass of wine afterwards. I am particularly intrigued to see how they shoot the pretty graphic childbirth scene in the book.
I just hope I haven’t outgrown it now.
How much of a Twihard are you or has the whole thing passed you by?
Oh God! The Twilight Saga is my guilty secret. Have yet to watch the movies though….could this be the end? Could I land up a Twihard!??!!
It is a slippery slope… the films are not as good as the books and the characters will disappoint on screen as they don’t really live up to how I had portrayed them to be in my head!
Hi Grenglish! I did exactly the same thing. Said I’m not watching that crap when my husband brought the Twilight movie back from the video store and ended up totally hooked. Same as you, I bought the books the next day and read the first one within a week which i have never done since having kids! I really enjoyed the whole saga too. Enjoy the movie tonight!