At the East Dulwich WI annual quiz night last year, I was on the team that placed second… from last.
Yeah, whatever.
It was my first time and I was more interested in making new friends/having a laugh/the wine.
I was not taking any chances of placing quite so low this year though, so enlisted the help of fellow über godmother to the Griwi twins, Carolyn, to come along as a special guest.
Her profession also just happens to be that of Librarian, so she has obviously read everything about everything and anything.
‘It will practically be like having our own little human wikipedia on the team!’ I confided to the Greek God(zilla).
Which was very fortunate, as use of iphones was actively discouraged.
Glass of wine in hand, we took a table near the back of the room and were joined by two newbies to the WI and two founding members, so a really good mix of people.
After christening our team ‘Easy on the Tonic’ and with pencil poised and ready to go, we settled comfortably in for the first round.
Our pencil hovered over the answer sheet as our quizmaster, Peter, read out the General Knowledge questions.
And there it stayed.
It hovered there throughout most of the Geography, Art & Literature, History and Current Affairs rounds too.
I mean who on earth would know what a Dog Watch even was, let alone how long it lasts for? Or what plant the vanilla bean comes from. Or, even how many home counties there are (ok, we should have got this one).
Well, it would appear that at least one person on every other team did know.
The lead made a bit more contact with the paper during the entertainment and music rounds.
It was a particularly proud moment when we correctly guessed that it was the band JLS who would be recording this year’s Children in Need single.
First time WI-er, Rachel, worked out sums, equations and sides of an isosceles triangle on a scrap piece of paper during the Science & Nature round, leading us to ask in total awe if she was a Scientist.
‘No, a nurse’ she laughed.
A totally awesome nurse who just scored us 4 points.
Everyone looked to me when the question ‘Who shot Achilles?’ was asked.
However, I should probably still have known the answer to this one (It was Paris).
Carolyn scored us more points for knowing the words to the Lords Prayer. Told you she was über godmother.
Sadly, it was not enough.
Peter, the Quizmaster, found us to be hilarious.
Quite obviously, he thought we were completely taking the piss, but did give us a packet of haribos as a booby prize when we scored a pathetic 4/10 on one particular round.
In the end, it was Witless Women who took home the first prize, which is not surprising considering their team members were made up of a professional quiz go-er and the Treasurer of the EDWI… #justsaying
And, Easy on the Tonic placed last.
But, we had the most fun and the only way to go now, is up!
Plus, Peter Quizmaster liked us best, so there…!
At the next EDWI meeting, we will be learning how to Grow our own Veg with local gardener, Jane Booth. The EDWI meet on the first Wednesday of each month at The Lodge, above East Dulwich Tavern, 1 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, SE22 8EW. Meetings start at 7.30pm. Guests are welcome. http://www.eastdulwichwi.co.uk/
You can also find me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter @smudgerella
I am a real Greek and I didn’t know that. I know, I won’t be invited to be on your team at the next annual quiz.
Yes you will because you are FUN!!
Nothing more annoying than a large know it all quiz team that comes first, especially when you’re convinced you’re there to win this time around! Sounds like it was a lot of fun though x
Such a good night RM. We had a fun team x
The Witless Women have to admit to an awful lot of very lucky guesses 🙂
haha, very lucky indeed!!! Congrats on your victory – well deserved! We were rubbish 🙂
Come and say hi at the next one x