10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
Over at Actually Mummy, I was tagged in her 10 things you didn’t know about me post, which means that I now have to tell you 10 things you didn’t know about me, so after much thinking and list-making and…
Over at Actually Mummy, I was tagged in her 10 things you didn’t know about me post, which means that I now have to tell you 10 things you didn’t know about me, so after much thinking and list-making and…
When Penny, the Peckham Pickler, said there were Mulberry’s to be found in Peckham and that she would be bringing a selection along to the August East Dulwich WI event, I contemplated for a moment…
“Why don’t you invite Victoria & Gary over for a BBQ tomorrow instead of lunch at the pub?” suggested the Greek God(zilla) on Saturday as he folded his cricket whites neatly into a bag emblazoned with…
Yesterday, Richmond Mummy and I took part in the BritMums Guest Post Match-up. It was brilliant fun and thank you all for giving RM such a big fat Grenglish welcome. I lowered the tone a…
Many a summer barbecue this year has been scuppered because of this wet and miserable July. Not many people are even as bold as to tempt fate by saying the word ‘barbecue’ out loud in…
So, when I left you last, I had just joined my local gym to try to help me to unwind, de-stress and feel a bit less lardy. I was excited about the power plate machine,…
“It’s stress” the Doctor said as she examined my mouth ulcers (so, not tongue burn after all then…). “It’s eczmea” she said as she looked at my hand “caused by stress”. My shock was twofold:…
I am not one for outdoor sports, as anyone who knows me will tell you (usually after they have finished laughing). I am not really one for indoor sports either, unless carrying 11kg of toddler…
We were running slightly late for A-Team Senior & Junior yesterday (Mrs A-Team still in Malta) but not so much so that the boys had started screaming for their lunch yet. It was A-Team Senior’s…
What could be nicer at the end of a long day, after an even longer week, to come home from work to find your husband rustling something delicious up in the kitchen, seemingly without using…
I can’t think of anything to write about this week. I’ve been sitting here for ages, well since In the Night Garden came on, trying to think of one tiny little anecdote to tell you…
As the title suggests, I have burnt my tongue. I think it happened a few days ago, although I can’t actually remember doing it, I’ve just had a burning sensation ever since then, and on…