Bum Sport

“Why don’t you invite Victoria & Gary over for a BBQ tomorrow instead of lunch at the pub?” suggested the Greek God(zilla) on Saturday as he folded his cricket whites neatly into a bag emblazoned with the word BumSport on the side.

Gentleman's game

“I’ll go to Sainsburys in the morning” was the last thing he said to me before he went off to play cricket for the rest of the afternoon.

Lovely idea, I thought.

“Lovely idea” agreed Victoria when we spoke a few minutes later.  “I’m in Sainsbury’s now, shall I pick up some sausages?”

“It’s ok” I replied cheerily “Pan is going in the morning”

Then off I went to get Zachy ready for the In the Night Garden Live Show and didn’t give it another thought.

It was about 8pm when Pangry called to say he had pulled a muscle seriously injured his calf muscle making his 7th run and couldn’t walk.  He likened the pain to being shot in the leg and added that he now knew how JFK felt on the day he was assassinated…

Alrighty then.

A few hours later, I heard him stumble home, hobble up the stairs and groan dramatically with every step, so I did what any other good wife would do and pretended to be asleep.

Well, only for a minute.  I felt quite sorry for him really.  He loves playing cricket on a Saturday afternoon and I love having Zachy all to myself for a whole day so everyone’s a winner, well apart from the 7th XI team that is, who sadly lost the match when their wicket keeper star player went down.

“I don’t think I’m going to be able to drive to Sainsbury’s” he said in the morning as he rubbed Deep Heat into his bad leg.

It’s ok, I’ll go…

“Can you make me a cup of tea and bring it up to me in bed?”

I looked at the clock and worked out that I had about an hour to get showered, get Z dressed, put a laundry on and whizz over to the supermarket to get back in time for Zachy’s lunch.

So, no to the tea.  Unless you can give Zachy his lunch?  I offered.

“I don’t think I can love”

In the end I took Zachy to Sainsbury’s with me, as it was just easier that way.

We had a lovely time picking up meats and salads for the barbecue.  The Greek God(zilla) called when he could smell we were close to the beer aisle.

“Read out to me what they have, love” he said.

One by one, I read out names like Bishops Finger, Fursty Ferret, Adnams and Tangle Foot.

“Get me a few of each” he whimpered “and a box of San Miguel”

Much to the admiration of the other men in the beer aisle, I stocked our trolley with a fine selection of fine ales.

Next up was a quick visit to the in-house pharmacy.

“My husband has pulled a muscle torn a tendon in his leg” I explained.

She nodded sympathetically (to me) as I recounted his story about feeling like he had been shot, like JFK.

“Try rubbing some ibruprofen gel in it” she recommended as she stepped out in front of the counter to show me where they were stocked on the shelf.

She glanced over at my trolley, rattling with booze.  “Maybe those will help him feel a bit better too” she teased.

Yes, I am sure they most definitely will.


manning the barbie

keeping the leg elevated (or is it the other one...)

apply after food

What do you think  – is the Greek God(zilla) out for the rest of the season or is there still hope for the 7th XI team yet?


  1. richmondmummy
    August 2, 2011 / 9:04 AM

    Ha ha this made me laugh. Poor chap, do hope he gets better soon, but it is amazing how men can be floored by something like this and it’s particularly annoying when it’s a sport related injury. Richmond Daddy recently twisted his ankle playing golf, his foot went down a rabbit hole or something, and it swelled up like a small balloon. He was gone for 4 hours playing golf then spent the rest of the day/evening with his foot elevated, lying flat on his back on the sofa, watching all manner of sports, while I ferried food/drinks and other necessities to and fro to him and looked after the baby. Hmmm would it be the same if it was one of us who’d done ourselves an injury do you think? or would we just limp on regardless?!? xx

    • Grenglish
      August 2, 2011 / 8:55 PM

      We would have to limp on or face dehydration/starvation/parental neglect as I don’t know about RD but the GG wouldn’t be ferrying anything over to me, that’s for sure!
      What is the sporting injury equivalent to man flu?

  2. Angie
    August 3, 2011 / 11:42 PM

    My husband picked up a bottle of ‘Man Flu Medicine’ from Sainsbury’s adding to his ‘proof’ that this condition really exists! (It contains vitamin c basically!)
    My husband’s sport is the gym… He bench presses 100kg with a damaged shoulder (which he badly injured in the army) but then he’ll whine about a pulled muscle! (Big trained soldier that he is!)
    I’ve had to do the school run 8 days after giving birth to baby no 4, still suffering PGP, and cooking, cleaning, and doing my wifely/motherly duties while my hubby was back at work doing the easy job of serving his country!!

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