It has been a very long week and I am very pleased it is Friday, even although this in turn means that I am just 3 days away from next week, which is also shaping up to be a corker.
However, let me just sum up this week for you…
I have had to get the train in to work 3 times this week. I did not get the train in to work 3 times last year! Usually, I like to drive to the office. My commute is the only time I get to be alone, EVER. I run through my to-do-list in my head, listen to radio two and complete any unfinished grooming projects.
Actually, it is more of a bus/train/tube or walk/train/2 tubes kind of commute, depending on whether I am leaving from home or from the nursery after dropping Zachy off. It really does not matter either way as they are both horrendous routes, where I undoubtedly end up with my head shoved up into a stranger’s armpit while crammed into an overcrowded carriage like a sardine and trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone at any cost.
I had to get the train on Monday because our car failed it’s MOT and the Greek God(zilla) had to sort out a new tyre. Or a bulb. Anyway, something went wrong with the car, which deemed it un-roadworthy so I took the walk/train/bus/walk route to work due to the closure of the tube station closest to my office.
This was also the same day I realised that I had gained 4lbs on a wheat & dairy free diet, so it really was a day doomed from the start.
On Wednesday, I had to attend a meeting in Covent Garden, from which I would be making my way home. Wisely, I decided to leave the car at home rather than pay the £36 to park it in Central London for two hours.
I had just dropped Zachy off at nursery when the Greek God(zilla) called to say that he had forgotten his own set of car keys, which he would obviously require when he went to collect the little nipper from nursery later that afternoon.
So, I parked the car on a side road close(ish) to the nursery and then generously walked back up to the nursery to deliver my own set of car keys so that my husband could pick up our son without having to trek all the way home first to retrieve his own set.
A good deed, you might agree?
His response: ‘Next time love, you have to remember to tell me to take the car keys’.
All righty then.
After my meeting at the incredibly swish St Martin’s Lane Hotel, where I was unable to take full advantage of any of the exclusively wheat & dairy filled canape selection, all bar a single mini chilli lamb kofta, I was given a tour of the hotel.
It’s very gorgeous, very trendy, very arty and not very me at all. However, I appreciated the opportunity to have a nose around and then said my thank yous and goodbyes and went on my merry way.
I do not know how I managed to misread the tube map quite so badly but nonetheless, I had to make 3 tube changes just to get to the London overground. I had also not calculated how long it takes to get from the bakerloo line to the jubilee line at Waterloo station. I think they must be a mile apart, it felt like 10!
Imagine my relief when I finally reached Canada Water station just as a train pulled in.
Imagine my horror when said train reached its final destination a mere 2 stops later and ‘ALL CHANGE PLEASE’ boomed loudly out over the tannoy.
It took me 15 minutes to find a staff member who could direct me to the right platform so I could turn back on myself. I was then instructed to get back on the very same train I had just disembarked.
I changed again at Surrey Quays and walked over the bridge to the other side of the platform, where I waited for a further 10 minutes before finally getting on the right one. I could not face the hill walk home, so waited sulkily for another 10 minutes until a bus came along to take me the two final stops to our front door.
After having a cuddle with Zachy and putting him to bed, I felt absolutely shattered so rested my head on a pillow for a moment and the next thing I knew, my alarm was going off at 6am the next morning.
Fortunately, Thursday passed by without any major drama. Well, apart from it being my day to drive in to the office and the Greek God(zilla) had left the house with my car keys in his jacket pocket. No harm done though and I managed to hunt down a spare set without incurring any major time penalties.
The last thing I wanted to do when I got up today was face another commute on the tube but as I am to be Richmond Mummy’s plus one tonight at an advanced screening of ‘The Help’ at The Charlotte Street Hotel, I know that wine would eventually beckon me and I will be too weak to resist.
Have a good weekend!
What kind of week have you had?
I may have had a bit to drink but am I correct in reading that you managed to take 3 tube journeys between Covent garden and the underground?!?!?! It’s just a short walk!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, no! 3 tube journeys from Covent Garden and home! Hope you had a fun night xx