This time last year, I had only been blogging for a few months. I had written a handful of posts, which were mostly read by friends and family… and that’s about it.
The only other blogger I had ever met was Bianca aka Richmond Mummy when a mutual friend introduced us over lunch. Bianca told me about the Cybermummy conference she was attending and suggested I go along too. However, it was completely sold out so I had to join a waiting list for a ticket. When a ticket did become available just a few weeks before the event, I snapped it up!
Bianca and I stuck together like glue for the entire day. In the afternoon we met Alice from More than Toast and then both stuck to her like glue for the rest of the night.
When I sobered up got home, I wrote this post:
I am a fraud.
I went to Cybermummy 11 under the illusion of being a ‘mummy blogger’. I had a little name badge with my blog address and Twitter name neatly printed on it. I was treated exactly the same as the other 400+ mummy bloggers – with food and drinks laid on, pamper rooms to indulge in and bags full of free stuff to take home to my family.
In the main conference room, there wasn’t a table plan organised by site stats in ascending order, so nobody stopped me from taking a seat close to the front, just a few feet away from Sarah Brown while she was speaking.
I was free to pick and choose from any of the workshops on offer, no invitation required, no pre-booking system in place. I mingled freely alongside rock star bloggers with followers in the tens (possibly hundreds!) of thousands. A bit like Chico rubbing shoulders with Mick Jagger and talking shop.
I tossed my business card willy-nilly into glass bowls to win more free stuff. I waltzed around Cybermummy Central like a pro. Except, I am not.
I have only been blogging for 3-months. I do not even have an iPhone. While the Crowdsourced Keynote speakers read aloud their greatest and most inspirational posts, I thought back to my last post… about burning my tongue.
While people tweeted away to each other on their ipads, I checked my trusty old mobile phone for text messages from the Greek God(zilla).
Cybermummy 11 highlighted to me just how much I still have to learn about this world, and I admit I felt completely overwhelmed at times, but it also showed me just how far it’s possible to go.
So, I’ll be back next year but with a few more posts behind me, hopefully a fair few more cybermummy friends and definitely an iPad.
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It is hard to believe that this year I will be attending BritMums Live with a blog that is over a year old; as someone who has actually tweeted with Sarah Brown; as a finalist for a Fresh Voices BiB award; as someone reading out a post at the Bloggers Keynote and as someone who, FINALLY, has an iPAD.
If I think about it too much, I feel totally overwhelmed and nervous so for a few months, it’s been parked somewhere in the back of my mind with a post-it note saying ‘deal with later’.
Only ‘later’ is now tomorrow EEK.
Tomorrow afternoon, 500 delegates will start to gather at The Brewery in East London and I have an overwhelming feeling that I have forgotten to do something.
Like, decide what to wear… too late to shop now so will have to squeeze self into something in wardrobe. Or, read my chosen blog post out loud… whoops, must practice in front of the mirror tonight. Shit, ticket!! Suppose I should really find it in the depths of my inbox and print it out… and charge the iPad. Pluck eyebrows (& chin). Decide which workshops to attend… will confer with Richmond Mummy. Too late for a pedi and a blowdry… but will it probably rain anyway…? Join in the official BritMums Linky/Meme… too late #bloggingfail
Obviously, I’ll be meeting up with RM (as she is now officially known) before the conference again and as soon as arrive we are going to hunt Alice Harold down and have a big cuddle with baby Huxley.
I’ve also met some other pretty fab bloggers in the past year, who I am really excited to see again *waves at Kate (witwitwoo), Anya (oldersinglemum), Helen (actuallymummy), Ruth (dorkymum) and Vanessa (hpmcq)* but there are also quite a few bloggers I have not yet met in real life, who I am genuinely really excited to.
I do feel differently about attending the conference this year. I have more of an idea of the sessions I want to attend and those I want to avoid. I am less concerned about what to wear (seriously, it really does not matter – just be comfortable) and I really do want to use the opportunity to mingle with the lovely people I speak to online every day.
I can’t guarantee that I won’t still feel like a fraud standing beside some of my big blogging idols, but at least I will know more of them this year and you never know, one or two might even have heard of me too.
Are you going to BritMums? Are you feeling nervous/excited/indifferent?
You can also find me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter @smudgerella
I am feeling so excited and nervous. I’m not sure how I’ll sleep tonight …. What a difference a year makes eh? Congratulations to you! And I really hope I get to meet you over this weekend. Best of luck at the awards.
*waving madly* Thank you for the mensh. Pleasure to know you too. Am dreading the whole thing – have no idea why. Am gonna have to watch my own vlog about Nobody being a Nobody! Think might feel better when kids’ witching hour is over! See you tom – now that worked! :)X
What a gorgeous post-you are one of my favourite bloggers sweetie and deserve all this recognition and more. Can’t wait to meet you x
I am not too nervous yet but not sure reality has really hit yet. I am certain I will be shaking by the time I get on the train tomorrow! I have not even been blogging 5 months yet so am a complete and utter newbie. Hope to meet you there x
Sorry we didn’t get to meet this time, next year defo! How was it for you?
What a difference a year makes indeed – you’ve achieved so much, it’s brilliant, and you deserve every success. So looking forward to seeing you tomorrow – fingers crossed for the BiBs!!! Xxx
Wishing youalltheluck at the BiBs this evening!
Thank you, I am replying after the event now and did not win but was fab to be a finalist!