Behind every Greek man is a woman rolling her eyes

Behind every Greek man is a woman rolling her eyes

Living with the Greek God(zilla) brings its fair share of eye rolling moments.  Most of them are delivered in good humour and often encouraged by the recipient himself.

If we have an audience, and have both been on the wine, he will practically hand the one-liners to me.

However, there are occasions when words completely fail me, and this is when I find a gentle rolling of the eyes says it all.

Allow me to share a few recent treasures with you.

Just this week, he boomed from his bed about an unknown transaction to a clothing company on our credit card statement.  At first, I wondered if I’d been busted for a jumper dress I purchased online in the sale and snuck stealthily into the wardrobe; but a quick google search of the company name revealed a sports clothing company and a transaction date that coincided with the AFC Wimbledon v Liverpool match the Greek God(zilla) went to a couple of days ago…

The match he returned home from with a speeding ticket.  He thinks.  The camera either flashed him or the car in front.  ‘Well, were you driving over the speed limit?’ I asked.  ‘Just a few miles’ he shrugged, bemused.

Then later, when I was on my way out to Sainsbury’s and he suggested I keep our weekly food shop on the “down-low” so that the joint bank account could accommodate said potential speeding fine.

Or any time he says he feels really REALLY tired and really REALLY ill… while holding a glass of red wine.

And, insists he does not know how to change a duvet cover.

But, does everything else around the house.

He is quite a character, my husband.

My funny, ranty, barbecuing, clever, parcel tape using, curmudgeonly husband.

*insert eye roll*



  1. January 8, 2015 / 6:22 PM

    next time i’m over guess who is getting a lesson from me!

    • Grenglish
      January 10, 2015 / 10:24 AM

      Oooh I’d like to sit in on that too please!

  2. January 21, 2015 / 2:45 PM

    It’s the parcel tape that still gets me every time.

    • Grenglish
      February 4, 2015 / 7:28 AM

      Me too x

    • Grenglish
      February 4, 2015 / 7:28 AM

      I have heard that it is!

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