So there I was at the traffic lights this morning. happily plucking my eyebrows in the rearview mirror, as you do, when I noticed a small flicker of silver glimmering back at me in my reflection.
At first I assumed it was merely a bounceback from this beautiful Indian summer sunshine we are experiencing today, so I continued on to the next set of traffic lights.
When I stopped at the Marble Arch junction, I pulled out my tweezers again and popped down the mirror, at which point I discovered to my absolute HORROR, that there were in fact several little flecks of silver living in amongst my eyebrows!
I skillfully tweezed each and every one of them before the lights changed, as only someone who has been grooming their eyebrows in a car rearview mirror for over 20 years can.
I was only 25 when I discovered my first grey hair. For years, whenever a new one sprouted up I would simply pluck it out, only to find two more appear in its place a few weeks later.
Eventually, I realised that even my advanced plucking skills could no longer cope with the extent of the problem and it will be no great surprise to regular readers of Grenglish, that I have been having my hair coloured every 7-weeks, for a very very long time.
I am just not ready to be grey yet. At some point, I know that I will have to give in to this and go grey gracefully but until that day comes, please just answer me this one question:
Can I use mascara on eyebrows?
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.
Or get them dyed too.
Damn the bloody grey. All I see when I look in the mirror at the mo are the silver scoundrels doing a mexican wave back at me.
Thank god for Monday when I have my new months money and Aveda has a hair colourists appt book with my name in it.
I can’t bear it Noodle, I really can’t 🙁
The grey hair I can cope with BUT GREY EYEBROWS!!!!!
Whatever next…
Tint them! Xx
oh but the effort, Angie 😉
Oh my darling smudge I fear I will soon be losing the grey battle myself, lucky for me I have this beautiful youthful face (no comments from the gallery please)
You are indeed very youthful and very beautiful! When did this happen to us Pete? One minute we were happily drinking vodka without a care in the world and now… THIS!
Yes. Mascara, shoe polish, whatever it takes. I remember my first grey hair. I thought perhaps I’d gotten paint in my hair *sigh*. Best of luck my dear!
I have had a long time to get used to the grey head hair… but eyebrows! I have such high maintenance eyebrows now!
Reminds me of when we were living together in Maida Vale and I found my first grey hair!
Hahaha, the HORROR Thomo, the HORROR! xx
of course…I see no difference between a hopeful teen male using mascarra on his moustache and a horrified discoverer of a grey eyebrow using the same weapon 😉
Keri…? Really! That is hilarious 😉
Well I am allergic to hair dye and the greys hairs am coming thick and fast!! 🙁
You are allergic to ALL hair dye??? I am not sure how I would cope 😉 My hairdresser uses a lovely organic one…
Can I ask how you found out? What is it a horrific discolouring episode or did you get a rash or headache etc.?
it was pretty horrific…very swollen head and closed up eyes!! I still have it dyed now & again but only in packets, not near the roots and not very often, can’t bear not too! I have tried a few but not sure I have tried any organis ones, might have to look into it, thanks!!
That sounds AWFUL!! You poor thing. What did the hairdresser do?! I bet she was crapping herself…
Maybe give the organic ones a go… but do a patch test first!
No. But you can go every three weeks and have them dyed like me, and they will even shape them for you too – then you can focus on getting your lippy right in the rearview mirror instead of your brows 😉
that is a fantastic idea! I have never heard of eyebrow dye-ing…