Losing Weight with Slimming World

Losing Weight with Slimming World

You may remember last year, at my 40-year old health check, I was advised to lose weight and exercise more. Although, after years of yo-yo dieting on every fad diet to ever hit the book…

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Stuck in a Diet Rut

Stuck in a Diet Rut

I have been on a diet for half of my life and I have still not cracked it. I have cut out carbs, fat, sugar, fruit, meat, and vegetables, yet I am further away from…

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That Sinking Feeling

That Sinking Feeling

The most important thing is not to panic. This has happened before. It was not the end of the world then, and it will not be the end of the world now. DO NOT PANIC.…

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Goodbye Jan, Hello Feb!

Goodbye Jan, Hello Feb!

Well, thank goodness that is over with for another year then. There are many reasons why January is my least favourite month of the year. The first being that it is usually when I am…

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Saturday Night

Saturday Night

I am going out in Central London tonight to drink cocktails and eat tapas.  I cannot remember the last time I went out on a Saturday night, in town, with four other women.  It is…

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Skinny Jeans

Skinny Jeans

A few months back, I made a decision not to fad diet again and wrote about it here in a post titled No-No Dieting. For the most part, I have stuck to this.  I try…

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No-No Dieting

No-No Dieting

I have been on a diet for 12 years. As I unpacked the move boxes marked ‘kitchen’, I was shocked, and really rather embarrassed actually, to find so many diet books. One by one, I…

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