*WARNING* The post below contains shallow, superficial content of absolutely no importance whatsoever. If you are easily bored, please click away now.
I had a shocking realisation last summer that I did not need to buy any more new clothes. This could have been down to finally finding a look that I was comfortable with and suits me, or because my wardrobe was bulging with impulse buys that I had never worn. I do not really remember which… although I think the first option makes me sound slightly better, so let’s just go with that.
Last week, I had another clear-out of all the stuff I could not bring myself to get rid of the first time. However, this time I was ruthless.
This included all items that no longer fit; anything that gave me a monoboob, shaped my bottom into an airbag, or had a maternity label on it. Next to go was anything with a rip, tear or a hole and finally a pair of white jeans purely because I am not Liz Hurley.
Then, I organised my wardrobe into sections. In one part, I hung all my occasion dresses. There are about 20 of these in varying colours but at least 10 are black. So, should I ever receive an invitation to a formal dinner or to the opera, I shall have something to wear.
In the main section, are my work dresses. Now, I tend to dress in jeans and tunic tops for the office so there is a chance I may never wear any of these again, but should I ever receive an invitation to attend a work conference or to appear on The Apprentice, I will have something to wear.
The most regularly accessed part of my wardrobe is the bottom drawer, where I have folded trousers and jeans into separate piles. From left to right we have:
1. comfy trousers and leggings
2. linen trousers
3. regular denim, coloured jeans and jeggings.
In the drawer above that, I have folded all my tops depending on colour. All black vests & t-shirts are together and white vests & t-shirts are together. Then I have a smaller pile for greys, another for items with a hint of green or blue, and one more for tops with a red, pink or orangey tone.
My accessories drawer is, I think, my proudest achievement of all.
I have a separate compartment for gold bangles, silver bangles, coloured bangles and earrings. Then, another for silver necklaces, gold necklaces and coloured necklaces. Should I ever venture further than the office or the park, I will definitely have the accessories required to transform my look from day-to-night.
Shoes, jackets and bags have taken over the Man Cave. Some are too precious to even leave their boxes and are protected by dust jackets under the guest bed. However, should there be an occassion where ballet flats, gladiator sandals or flip-flops are not deemed appropriate footwear, I shall definitely have it covered.
I also have a few neutral coloured outfits, that I cannot wear without a tan. However, should I ever be invited to a wedding or a christening, when I have a tan, I will have something to wear.
Ruthless, I was. RUTHLESS.
You can follow me on Twitter @grenglishblog, find me on Facebook, and on Pinterest as Grenglish
Laughing! Am exactly the same! Except I don’t just have ‘in case’ clothes, I also have, ‘when I’m thin again clothes’. Some are pre-baby (Baby now nearly 10). RIDICULOUS. My attitude to my wardrobe is rueful, rather than ruthless.
I also had a few suitcases of clothes for when I am thin again but managed to lose those in the last clear out… will get there eventually!
I love the pointlessness of this post – ALL my posts are pointless 🙂 x
Not one of your posts is pointless! I LOVE them all 🙂
Good for you. All you need now is LOTS of places to go or the clothes will be pointless! Pokes Mr. Zilla xx
you might need to poke a bit harder 😉
Love this! Can I come over & play dress up with you. We could do a mad clothes swap and pretend we’re 15! Lush clothes x
Oh how much fun would that be!!!
I feel like I do this kind of clearout at least 2 or 3 times a year, but I still seem to have wardrobes full of shit that doesn’t fit or suit me. Obviously I’ve not been ruthless enough. You’ve inspired me, I’ll get on it… xx
Hahaha, well I have a theory that if I haven’t worn it in the last 12-months then I am unlikely to again 🙂
Your hired! Come sort mine out for me, I’m a hopeless hoarder x
I’d love to! Just let me at it… 🙂
Completely pointless. But entertaining, and envy-inducing in equal measure. I need a wardrobe where I can colour-code my tops!
Hehe! This makes me love you even more than I did already 😉
and I you, my lovely x
Not pointless at all because it has reminded me I need to do a clean-out of my own!! So thank you for the reminder xx
it is very very therapeutic! GO FOR IT!! (and send me your cast offs ;-)) xx
THis is not boring. It is like hoarder’s porn. I wish I could replicate this – please come and coach me. I get depressed just looking at my (barely) closed wardrobe doors, remembering the mayhem that lies within.
I will come and root through your wardrobe with pleasure! I am sure I can find lots of items for the charity shop (or my wardrobe hehehehehe)
Loved this post! Very impressed with your clear-out and reorganisation. The accessory drawer rocks. And I so get you with the monoboob look – that made me laugh! X.