Written in partnership with the Kiqplan.
My timeline has recently been inundated with friends running the Race for Life – a series of women-only events raising money for Cancer Research UK. I have been following their training with interest, as having attempted to learn to run a few years ago, I am in total awe of anyone who manages it, sticks with it and looks like they are actually enjoying it!
I am still waiting for the legendary exercise endorphins to kick in, although as my feet have not felt the inside of a pair of trainers for well over a year, it is no surprise they are still giving me the silent treatment.
At one point, I did reach a level where I could run for about 25-minutes without stopping. Then as soon as I hit that milestone, I seemed to lose enthusiasm for reaching the next one.
Perhaps if I’d had the motivation of running a 5k or 10k to raise money for research into all 200 types of cancer, I might still be running now.
However, I would not feel confident in being able to cover even the shortest Race for Life distance without some form of training.
This is where Kiqplan come in. As the official fitness plan partner for Race for Life, they have created a bespoke 12-week training programme to help runners prepare for the events.
Kiqplan is designed to help women of all ages, shapes and sizes and uses information from an activity tracker, smart phone or app about the number of steps you take or calories you eat to design a training plan specifically for you.
Every week they send you weekly running (or walking) goals, as well as health and motivational tips, workout videos, progress reports, easy-to-make recipes, new step and nutrition targets.
It’s like having a personal trainer, nutritionist and motivation coach all for £4.99! Plus 20% of the sale of this product will be donated to Cancer Research UK so you will be helping to save lives before your feet even leave the floor.
You can download the app here:
This post was written in partnership with Kiqplan