Yummy Mummy: The How To Guide

Yummy Mummy: The How To Guide

I am extremely proud to introduce my very talented and beautiful friend, Courtenay, to Grenglish (that’s us on the left).   We met in 2004 when she answered my ad in Loot looking for a flatmate…

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Big Booby

Big Booby

There is a very good reason why you should never pop to M&S in your lunch hour to pick up new undies and that reason is that while you are standing in the queue holding…

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That's what friends are for

That's what friends are for

Back in 1995, when I was in my early twenties and working for the advertising agency, Ogilvy & Mather, I met 6 amazing, inspirational women who I am proud & privileged to still have in my life…

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