We arrived back to London with the A-Team around 4pm on Saturday.
We’d spent the morning hunting for chocolate eggs in the garden and then went for a walk along the beach, where the boys skimmed stones into the sea and helped Jack find tiny little snails in the rocks.
Even though the weather had taken a bit of a cold turn, it still felt good to get some fresh sea air into our city lungs.
Once home, we fed and bathed the boys and around 7.30pm we put them both to bed and retired on the sofa with a box full of chocolate eggs.
At 7.52pm, I heard a little voice calling out ‘Mummy’, so very clearly that he could have been in the next room.
Not again?! I groaned to the Greek God(zilla) and the A-Team through chunks of a Lindt bunny’s ear.
Yet there he was again, standing at the top of the stairs – this time blocked by the stair-gate, but nonetheless, out of his grobag and out of his cot and not where I had safely placed him just 22 minutes before.
I took him back to bed, zipped him back in and waited quietly in his room again until he drifted off to sleep. Although, this time I did not feel the need to also have a little doze of my own.
So, as it would now seem that he is able to climb out of his own cot too and could possibly break an arm or a leg with one bad landing, there is only one thing left to do.
The bars have to come down.
The cotbed that he has slept in for over 2½ years, is to finally fulfill its destiny of becoming a bed.
The grobag that has kept him safe and warm will retire to the loft to join his highchair, feeding bottles and 3-in-1 buggy.
His big boy bedding arrived from John Lewis today. He has a junior duvet and a pillow.
He has told us that it is time.
He is growing up, my little baby.
He is becoming a boy.
All the signs are telling us he is ready, but I am not so sure I am!
When did you realise your baby was no longer a baby?
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We have just done exactly the same with Boy Three. Mostly because he’s a big ‘un and doesn’t really fit in a cot/ growbag any longer.
The second night he fell out of bed and slithered underneath. It took me a few moments to work out where he was – I could hear him snorting but he had vanished!
I want to laugh at the snorting bit, but you must have been out of your mind trying to find him! Z’s bed is quite low so I hope he does not slide underneath… but will definitely look there first if I can’t find him!
I wasn’t worried because he was making happy sleepy noises, I just couldn’t pinpoint them for a while!
I had really elaborate ways of pinning the twins into their gro bags, mainly for containment reasons. They are both really adept at undoing safety pins!!
Haha, I am sure this is also the end of him going to bed easily and now that he can, will be up and down until the novelty wears off 🙂
Safety pins, too funny Gill!
Aww! This made me feel happy and sad at the same time! X
me too x
Number 4 is still in her cot and I aim to keep her there until she climbs out. Number 1 was moved to a big bed at 17 months to give number 2 the cot and a similar move was made for Number 2 to give the cot to Number 3! As Number 4 is likely (!) to be my last I don’t really want her to move to a big bed! I know she will let me know when she is ready but I know I won’t be either! The only way I think to survive it I think is to cherish those moments I will be able to cuddle up to her when she need soothing at night rather than stick my hand through the cot and get bar impressions on my forehead! Good luck
Yes, there is definitely that added benefit! Although I am not loving him getting out of his bed at 3am to come and climb in with me. Especially as I woke up with him on my head at 3.20am. And again at 4am.
Tell me there comes a point when you put them to bed and they actually stay there…?