I decided to take Zee for a mini-break to my parents’ house for a couple of days over the summer and left the Greek God(zilla) to his own devices for a night. When I say own devices, really, all he had to do was feed and water himself and the cat.
As we were getting ready to leave the house, I saw that he had bought himself an M&S Chicken Kiev to heat up in the oven for dinner. I also noticed a nice bottle of white wine chilling in the fridge. All he needed was a hot bath and a good film and I’d have been tempted to cancel my plans and enjoy a night in with him.
As it happens, he had made plans to binge the new season of Westworld so my company was most definitely not required, or offered!
Zee and I actually had quite an eventful time! Our car blew a tyre on the motorway and we were rescued by 2 lovely young men who stopped to help and changed the tyre! Not only that, but they went out of their way to drive to the next exit so we could follow them and get back on the right road. There are some very good and kind people in the world. I will remind myself of this always. The next day, my dad took us out on his boat and we had a lovely afternoon messing about on the river. I was a bit nervous driving back home, even with 2 new tyres, but we made it back ok and I was looking forward to a quiet and relaxing evening in… *insert laughter here*
However, it would appear that when cooking his meal-for-one the night before, the Greek God(zilla) had broken the oven.
Deep breath.
Apparently, the oven was overheating and had to be replaced immediately because it burnt his chicken kiev to a cinder.
“Test it, if you don’t believe me,” he said, sensing my disbelief. “Why don’t you make a banana loaf now?”
Nice try.
“Feel the heat coming out of it,” he said, as he switched the oven on to full power. The oven was indeed hot, as you might expect…
I suggested we take another look in the morning, but he was adamant that we would need to buy a new oven as a priority because ours was burning everything and therefore not fit for use.
We were both working the next day and out of the house, so I didn’t get a chance to test the oven or knock up a “quick” banana loaf, which I am sure is what he was really hoping for. The Greek God(zilla) spent the day researching new ovens and sending various links to me while I started to think of alternative ways to prepare lunch for the 9-people we had coming over the following afternoon.
That evening, it was time for me to put the oven to the test because after almost a month in Greece and 2 replacement car tyres, a new oven was another expense we could do without. Also, I really did not fancy spending my Friday night having a row with the Greek God(zilla) in Curry’s.
I have been trying to remember what I cooked, but think it was salmon. Anyway, it came out beautifully and with not a singed mark on it.
“Must be a fluke?” he said. “Have another go tomorrow”
So, I did, and I managed to use the oven successfully again to bake 2 cakes, roast some new potatoes and vegetables, and heat up a shop-bought Mediterranean tortilla, while the Greek God(zilla) cooked the meat on the BBQ.
“What do you think malfunctioned when I used it?” he asked, genuinely baffled by the oven’s miraculous recovery.
I have three theories on this, none of which I felt were very helpful to share at the time:
- you switched it to the wrong setting or temperature indicated on the sleeve of the ready meal (yes, of course, you should read this)
- you got a bit too stuck into Westworld and/or the vino and forgot about the chicken kiev in the oven
- you have forgotten how to use an oven
At least we all know he loves a good BBQ!