Let the Pieces Fall

Let the Pieces Fall

Towards the end of every year, I like to set myself a theme for the year to come.  It’s a good opportunity to look back, feel proud of the things I achieved and accept the things I did not.  The theme then acts as a guide for making decisions throughout the year ahead.

In my year of saying YES, I accepted offers to be interviewed by Red magazine and contributed a blog post to Red online.  I quit my job to spend more time at home with my son, and I agreed to appear on the telly in Ashley Banjo’s Secret Street Crew for Sky 1.

As 2013 drew to a close, I wanted to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone but do it all so much better.  So, my theme for 2014 was to raise my game.

I wanted to be a better friend, a better wife and a better mum.  I wanted to spend more time with my family and friends, cook more, write more and work more.

When my friend in New York was having a really hard time, I booked a flight over to see her.  When Team Honk were looking for volunteers to organise the London leg of their relay for Sport Relief, I threw my top-hat into the ring.  And, when my son’s school asked for a parent to chaperone on school trips, I raised my hand.

I wrote about my personal experience of miscarriage and then stood on a stage and read it to 700 people.  On that stage, I realised I was no longer afraid of public speaking and went on to give a Koumbara speech at my sister-in-law’s wedding.  Not before spending the most incredible summer with my son – dipping our toes into the seas of North Devon and Crete, visiting a dinosaur park, the zoo, and taking in movies, long lunches and a show at the Royal Observatory planetarium.

Amazingly, I was chosen to be part of a new team of columnists for Tots 100; and I finished the introductions to a recipe book I am co-writing with my sister-in-law.

I feel I got through a huge amount this year and certainly raised my game.  Not in every way of course, I still spent too much of my downtime on Netflix and not enough of it returning emails to old friends.  Sometimes, I am too tired to get down on my knees and play Star Wars on the floor.  Again.  I should probably tell the Greek God(zilla) more often just how loved he is.  I am not perfect, but nor would I want to be.

One other thing I realised this year, is that you cannot be everything to everyone.  That is not what life is for.  I would perhaps like to spread myself a little less thinly next year.

So, I have decided to be more mindful of the moment I am in.  To really try to live it, breathe it and embrace it.

And, let the pieces just fall where they fall.



  1. December 10, 2014 / 6:03 PM

    So lovely and I needed to read this, today of all days, thank you x

  2. December 10, 2014 / 10:44 PM

    So glad you’re pleased with how far you’ve come – and you have. Just had a big catch up and seen you’re letting lots of pieces fall wherever they do. I have no doubt they’ll land where there meant to and you will continue to lead a charmed life. Much love, XX

  3. December 13, 2014 / 9:48 AM

    You’ve had such an incredible year, and I’m so pleased that you came into my life properly this year, I’ve had so much fun with you 🙂 Since my digital detox this summer I’ve done a lot of living in the moment, and appreciating the little moments, not stressing stuff, and just enjoying time by myself, with Hubs, with the kids, with family, with friends. Life is too short and time flies so I’m working on enjoying every little minute. Happy 2015 my lovely xx

  4. February 4, 2015 / 9:26 PM

    I too am trying to let go this year, I’m trying to start a new chapter of me and although sometimes I fall back a step I continue to plod on. I’m not really sure where I am going but in my heart I am happy.
    I wish you a fantastic 2015 xx

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