In Greece, everyone celebrates the “Name Day” of the saint that bears the same name as them. Yesterday was the Greek God(zilla)’s Name Day and in Greece last night, all the Panagiotis’ had a great big feast and a party. It is like having two birthday celebrations a year.
So, it is quite a big deal… and I forgot.
“You don’t have to get me a present for my Name Day this year” was the comment that catapulted my memory back into the 21st century on Sunday night.
It was too late to organise anything that didn’t scream ‘PANIC BUY’ so I knew I was in deep doggy doo dar.
I winged it for a bit with the promise of Monday Night Steak night, but then time ran away from me at work and the Greek God(zilla) was left to buy all the ingredients himself.
When work ran away from me again at the end of the day and I didn’t get home until late, the Greek God(zilla) was left to cook his own Happy Name Day steak. I didn’t even bring home Happy Name Day wine. I am a terrible wife.
So, Panagiotis, I am aware how much I need to make it up to you. But until I am able to get out of the house/office/supermarket/laundry/car/lego box/karaoke box for long enough to buy you something fabulous and thoughtful and brilliant, here are a few of your favourite things to lift your mood…
Happy Name Day!
Have you ever missed an important date?
My wedding anniversary every year since I have had kids, the worse thing is it’s on my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
How is that possible?!!!!! I will easily forget wedding anniversary but if it fell on my birthday, I don’t think I would! I had to look back in my diary last week to remind myself what day we got married – couldn’t remember if it was 14th or 15th – turns out it was the 16th.
Little Nancy’s bday tomorrow – how time flies xx
Is there a day for Alices in Greece? I like the idea of 2 birthdays!
I still get confused about my Wedding Anniversary. It’s either the 8th, 12th or 13th of Jan, I can never remember! Must ask my mum, she gets less offended at the fact I can’t remember it than my husband (poor guy). Then I’ll put it in my diary! xx
Alice I think you should just pick a date and make that your name day… the problem is, whether you will remember the date you picked or not though!
You could have bought your hubby some flowers for a quid from the local corner store like he bought you the week before!
Hahaha brilliant! Now, why didn’t I think of that…
2 birthdays…. why oh why am I not greek, although that would mean possible greek husband, as well as greek children, jesus, I’d be bankrupt! Nat
Hello! New reader here 🙂 We have “name days” in latin america too and it’s a big deal as well 🙂