The last thing I fancied doing on the eve of my return to work, when I had a two-year old at home recovering from chicken pox and it was absolutely piddling down outside, was attend a Pamper & Swishing Evening.
Even if it was being hosted by the totally gorgeous East Dulwich WI.
But I had committed to going along, so after putting a spotty toddler to bed, I hopped into the car and drove to the EDT on Lordship Lane.
I then spent the next 20 minutes trying to find a parking space as close as possible to the venue, failed miserably and had to leg it for at least 3 minutes (!) in the pouring rain.
By the time I arrived, the event was in full swing… or should I say full swish!
Swishing refers to swapping items of clothing, shoes, accessories etc with friends. This part of the evening was hosted by Give + Take.
Give + Take is more than just your average clothes shop as they also operate a part-exchange system too. Rows upon rows of pre-loved designer items were lined up for our shopping pleasure.
I had never swished before but found the whole idea of being able to take in old clothes, that I have grown out of tired of, in to Give + Take and then in return being able to walk out with a new selection of old clothes quite exciting!
Just as exciting was that Deborah from Shaws Solutions was on hand to show us how to create a capsule wardrobe and pulled together a few key looks from Give + Take, which were modeled beautifully by the EDWI’s very own, very lovely, Anna.
If you have a wardrobe full of clothes that you do not wear, or do not know how to wear, then you can arrange for Deborah to come and Gok Wan you in the comfort of your very own home. She will not even ask you to strut naked in your local shopping centre in front of friends, neighbours and your children’s head teacher. Well she might, but you would not be contractually obliged to do so.
Once I had dragged myself away from a pre-loved red silk Jaeger dress, that was so pretty but would only really work in the life I used to live, I decided to go and check out what was going on over in the Pamper room.
The nice people at Therapy had popped along and were giving manicures in the red room.
I spotted Kevin from Push Studios over the other side of the room, who was there to talk about nutrition and exercise. I was about to bound over when I noticed that he had also brought along a set of scales with him, so steered clear! Sorry Kevin, but I will not be scales hopping ready until mid-Spring, at the very least.
Mini facials were being provided by Suzanne from Indulgence and Melanie from Intelligent Beauty was giving out relaxing head massages.
If reflexology is your thing then Theresa from Soles4Soul was there, as well as the GMs Hair crew, who were offering hair colour and cut consultations.
Dr Boo had set up shop opposite the bar, how clever of them!
They were giving free make-overs and showing how to plump up your lips without needles or surgery, just a special lipstick and liner.
At the end of the night, a raffle was drawn with prizes having been donated by the local businesses in attendance on the night. The first prize was a make-over with Dr Boo, which I only went and won! I do not think I have ever drawn first prize in anything before!
So, it may surprise you to hear that I did not keep the prize for myself in the end (ungrateful cow) . As I am fortunate enough to have a very talented sister, who I often call upon to perform impromptu make-overs on me, I decided to pass the prize on to the lovely person standing next to me instead, who really really really wanted the make-over and was thrilled to bits to receive it.
In return, she is going to help me with my little eBook project, so everyone’s a winner!
I am so glad I stayed until the end.
The East Dulwich WI meets on the first Wednesday of each month at The Lodge, above East Dulwich Tavern, 1 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, SE22 8EW. Meetings start at 7.30pm. Membership is based on the calendar year. Please download an application form from the East Dulwich WI website and bring it along to the next meeting.
Membership for 2012 is £31.50 for the year.
Have you swished before?
You can also find me on Facebook and on Twitter @smudgerella