New Starts
They say that life begins at 40, and I guess in a way this does ring true for me. I turned 40 two-weeks ago. The week before this momentous ocassion, I left my job of…
They say that life begins at 40, and I guess in a way this does ring true for me. I turned 40 two-weeks ago. The week before this momentous ocassion, I left my job of…
The first day of August, the month in which I will turn 40. Well, that has crept up on me rather quickly I have to say. I wanted to make a list of all the…
Dear Employer, I am so sorry I was late for work today. The morning started so well. I was awake on the first beep of the Greek God(zilla)’s alarm clock as usual, at 5.55am, but my…
I do not think I am the most amazing Mother in the world… does anyone? But, most of the time I like to think I pass as OK. My son could not be more loved…
Do you ever have days when you look at your beautiful child and your heart swells so much it could burst and then you think to yourself “Oh shit, I really have absolutely no idea what the…
I don’t about you, but I love nothing more these days than settling down on the sofa, cuppa in one hand*, biscuit in the other**, and having a good read through my favourite blogs. Reading…
When I was pregnant with Zachy, I decided that I was absolutely, never ever, not in a million years, going to give my baby a dummy. Then he developed colic, cried a lot, couldn’t settle, became…
‘Do you want to go and see this film and then bitch about it after?’ I typed to Victoria ”Yes, I would watch that then bitch’ she pinged back a few moments later. So off…
After being in a nanny share for the past year since returning to work, our son started nursery full-time this week. This decision brought about a mixed bag of emotions (for me, mostly) but as the end…
What could be nicer at the end of a long day, after an even longer week, to come home from work to find your husband rustling something delicious up in the kitchen, seemingly without using…