Doing our bit for Sport Relief

Doing our bit for Sport Relief

For the last few years, I have joined Team Honk – a group of bloggers who fundraise for Comic and Sport Relief – to raise money for people living in extreme poverty here in the…

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Honkopoly – The Real Thing

Honkopoly – The Real Thing

I did not sleep much the night before Honkopoly. Images of top hats, onesies, numerous google docs, and my 40-year old bladder kept me awake for most of it. The house was still.  Quiet.  I…

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Honkopoly – A Dry Run

Honkopoly – A Dry Run

Honk whaaaaaaaaat? No, I haven’t gone completely mad.  Well, maybe just a little bit.  But it’s all for a BRILLIANT cause, so do read on and I will explain everything. Honkopoly is the name we…

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